Business Resources

Download whatcha need

Grow your business with easy-to-edit email templates, testimonial requests, and social caption starters. 

Perfect for saving time and energy—you can finally stop overthinking and feel more confident clicking send. 

Sound like you?

"I LOVE what I do but don't always know what to email leads or clients." 

"I'm not sure how to ask for feedback or reviews." 

"Social media is exhausting. I don't know what to say or why!" 

The SoCial Strategy

Testimonial success kit

The Email

The Email Vault

Testimonial success kiT  |  $27

Testimonial success kit

"I'm not sure how to ask for feedback or reviews." 

Earn more powerful testimonials with a specialized email template paired with best practices, including a timeline AND how to transform kind words into 5 valuable types of content. 

Sneak peek...

The Social Strategy  |  $33

The Social Strategy

"Social media is exhausting. I don't know what to say or why!" 

Your fluff-free guide to increasing engagement while inspiring readers to know, like, and trust you. 

— 25+ Caption Starters

— 6 Engagement Strategies 

— Instagram Bio Formula 

Sneak peek...

The Email Vault  |  $99 

The Email Vault $99 

"I LOVE what I do but don't always know what to email leads or clients." 

No more second-guessing what to email leads and clients. Solve sticky inbox situations and save hours in your day! 

Sneak peek...

"Don't drive yourself crazy angsting over saying the right (or wrong!) thing. Just turn to The Email Vault."

— Amy Posner

— Danielle Murphy 

Send result-oriented emails and make your customers feel like they're in great hands. Is Christy an email ninja? Probably. But with these templates, so are the rest of us." 

— Kayla King

"Christy’s templates give me CONFIDENCE, allowing me to breeze through my inbox and concentrate my time and energy on the things I’m actually good at."


"Christy's templates aren't just super useful when you're stuck on what to write—they're also an epic reminder of all those things we *should* be doing as service providers...I'm talkin' chasing up testimonials, formalizing referrals, and not letting unexplored silence kill a proposal." 

Kind Words

Wanna save?

buy all 3 for $125
$34 savings