Helping Kendra Aronson Nail Her Business’s Brand Voice, Create Compelling and Concise Web Copy, and Feel More Confidence as a Business Owner

—Kendra Aronson

“I can’t think of another person I would trust with my business and my brand voice like I do with Christy. She really understands my distinct audiences, and makes all of my messaging incredibly clear and concise. I’m so grateful to have her on my team.”

When Kendra Aronson hired Christy Wolff to help her write the copy on her website, she was feeling overwhelmed with the vast amount of content that needed to be created and positioned — both on her website and for other marketing channels.

As the founder of Pregnant and Hungry, the only searchable collection of pregnancy-safe recipes on the internet, Kendra provides her audience with an extensive range of helpful information — both in recipes and pregnancy nutrition.

Kendra said the sheer volume of the information — and the foods — that needed to be included made writing copy for her website a huge job — and one that she definitely needed help with.

“I was really overwhelmed with how much content I needed to produce,” Kendra said. “Not only did we need to write the main pages of the site, but we have 125 different ingredients that we highlight in our ‘foods to eat’ page, 15 categories in our ‘foods to avoid’ page, and we dive deep into nearly 30 prenatal vitamins. It’s a lot of information.

“I know when I write my own copy, I have a tendency to ramble, and I didn’t have the time or the interest to spend hours editing down my work. The scope of the copy that was needed was just too large for that.”

Kendra said she was also struggling to find the right voice for her copy and her brand. With all of her content being backed by science, she didn’t know how to create messaging that was research-based yet also relatable to her audience and fun for them to read.

“I was walking a fine line,” Kendra said. “I wanted to position us as an authority and clearly show that all of our information is based on research, but I also wanted everything to be digestible, approachable, and easy to read. I knew that my content could easily become too dense and scientific, and ultimately become too hard for people to truly understand and connect with.”

Kendra said that she’d never worked with a professional copywriter before, but knew that she needed one to help her nail her brand voice — as well as shoulder the large amount of content creation so that she could officially launch her website.

So, she reached out to Christy Wolff, a website copywriter whom she’d known for many years.

So, she reached out to Christy Wolff, a website copywriter whom she’d known for many years.

So, the two got to work. Kendra said her favorite way of working with Christy was — and still is — booking her for VIP Days, which gives her 8 hours of Christy’s time and copywriting expertise, uninterrupted.

Kendra shows up with a rough draft and loves to see Christy work her magic in finding the perfect message and angle for the copy, streamlining everything to be as clear and concise as possible, and fine-tuning every word for maximum impact with her audience.

Kendra said working together in this way was exactly what she needed to get her website copy written.

“I loved our VIP Days because we were totally in sync and on fire working together,” Kendra said. “At the end of the day we always accomplished so much. Christy’s extremely fast, so even the things we wanted to get through only if we had time always ended up getting done, too."

“It was such a huge feeling of satisfaction. Every day that we worked together it felt like I was moving the needle forward so much.”

Kendra said her partnership with Christy not only helped her meet her content creation needs, but she was also able to hone the perfect brand voice that speaks to both of her audiences.

“I’m trying to capture both pregnant mamas, but also the friends and family of these women who are looking for a baby shower gift or a pregnancy gift,” Kendra said. “Christy really understands both of these audiences, and she is so good at finding a way to speak to both of them in a way that’s authentic, fun, and engaging.

“She’s also been great at taking the information and input I’ve gotten from doctors, midwives, and scientists and making it sound clear and relatable to the average person. She’s helped me find the perfect tone for my content, and essentially bring my brand to life in the exact way that I’d hoped to.”

Kendra said an amazing additional benefit has been the way that, with Christy’s help, she’s been able to repurpose so much of the copy that was created for other marketing channels, including email messaging and social media.

“Christy is really good at making sure that the same message can be said in a bunch of different ways for a variety of channels, while always being consistently on-brand,” Kendra said. “It’s like I’m getting 3x the amount of product that I signed up for when I booked Christy initially. The investment I’ve made has paid off in spades.”

Kendra said that with her website now launched, she loves hearing that her messaging is resonating with her audience and that, on every page of her site, the value for the reader is clear.

“Despite how content-rich the website is, I feel that every page can stand on its own,” Kendra said. “If any one page is the only touchpoint a person has with my brand, I know the message and the value is clear. That’s all because Christy has touched and reviewed every page.”

Kendra said the biggest result — and benefit — that has come from her work with Christy has been the increased confidence she’s experienced in knowing that her messaging and her brand voice are on point.

“Knowing that I have website copy that is unique and true to my brand makes me feel so professional and legit,” Kendra said. “When I launched my site, I wanted to know that it was very robust and content-rich, so that if someone randomly came across it on the internet they could see how established and thorough we are. But I also wanted it to be playful, joyful, and positive. I feel that we’ve hit both of those goals. I feel so confident as a business and a business owner.”

Kendra said that she’s excited to continue working with Christy, and knows that their partnership will continue to benefit her business for a very long time.

“Christy is my go-to gal for all my copywriting needs. She brings clarity and precision to the process and always meets her deadlines—it’s so rare to find such a reliable person. She was the first professional copywriter I’ve ever worked with, and I hit it out of the park by hiring her,” Kendra said. “I love that she is so super invested in the success of my business, and overall it’s just been so much fun working with her.”